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I am the worst.

How many friggin times have I sucked at this blogging thing. Good gracious.

Well, time to update the blog on all that has happened, and all that will come, then cross my fingers I finally after so many years get my shit together lol

So let's see... where to begin..

I released an epic contemporary romance called Inspired! It's essentially a self help book disguised as a romance novel.

<3 A contemporary romance

<3 This book is a standalone.

Goodreads TBR-


I've got some new exciting information about my newsletters!!!

Unless there is a release, or something important, I will only be sending out letters once a month. Each newsletter will contain all sorts of updates and information for everything Jessica Florence. Little personal bits and book stuff.

I really want these newsletters to be something my readers look forward to getting not just a here's my new shit, blah, blah, blah.

I will also be doing a newsletter story, but this is where things are going to get a little interesting. I'm going to write a chapter or so, and then you guys are going to help me chose which direction to go in. I'll have poll of three- ish directions and everyone will vote. YOU get to choose how this story gets written! Be an active participant in what you want to see! Doesn't that sound fun?! I think sooo! Reminds me of those app games where you can choose what the character does in each situation? (Have sex with the guy or punch him in the face?) YASS!!!



This past Monday I revealed the cover for my next Hero Society book, FALL.

This story was inspired by Disney's The Haunted Mansion, and I am super stoked about it!

Few tidbits about this book

~The main hero is the Ringleader of a ghost circus.

~The main Heroine is a reaper

~There is cursThise

~ You will get to see some OG heroes from the other books

~There will be major push and pull between the couple, they want each other bad but being together could kinda screw the world over.

~You're socks will be knocketh off yo feet


Fall has faded. A time for heroes to break a curse.

Selene Constance is like no other hero she’s met before. Drawn to death like a moth to a flame, she is a reaper of souls who need to move on. She uses her gifts to help answer the unsolved murders of Seahill as a reporter while doing as her blood calls her to do—find the souls and take them to their afterlife.

At least, that was her reality.

Until him.

Jude Mallory, the ringleader of the infamous, spectacular circus of ghosts.

But there is more to Jude than the simple performer. He is the gatekeeper to holding the dead where they belong. Protecting mankind from an uprising of those they cannot see, just like his forefathers.

Together, they must find a killer who has been leaving a string of bodies at every show Jude performs.

But being together comes at a price.

Will they damn the world for a chance at love, or will they find a way to break the deal that has to be paid in blood?

It’s the heroes against the dead in a battle of love versus a curse.

But their time is running out, for, on October 31, Jude Mallory must die. ☠ >Goodreads:

>Preorder your copy of FALL today! Link to Preorder-


I've been doing Videoes!

If you didn't know.. I've been doing Youtube/Facebook videos. Just little bits of my life. What I'm doing? How I'm feeling? My advice on all things writing and health.

I like helping people, and entertaining them. So this is my little documentation and fun for the world. Hoping someone else could benefit from what I have to say, or at least give me something to look back on when I get to where I wanna be.

Here is the link to the Youtube channel if you're interested.

You can also watch them on my Facebook page as well.


What's to come from JFlo

I am pretty excited to have made some changes in my day job where I will now I have more time a week for doing things I love. I'm so interested to see where all this new time will take me, and what I will get into. EEK!

So, what's to come from me?

>Well, I am writing Fall, which has to be finished by the middle of September. Woot! The release is October 28!

>I've started plotting a short story for an anthology that I've agreed to be a part of. It's set in Venice Italy, all the stories are.I'm digging a romcom spy romance for that one.

>I wrote a fantasy novel that I am going to try to publish traditionally by getting a literary agent and then shopping for a publisher. I've been documenting that whole process in my videos on Youtube/Facebook. I realllllyyyy love that fantasy story. A LOT!

>I'm really working hard to figure out my alignment when it comes to marketing and this author biz. Not everything works for for everyone because it's not their alignment, so you're going to see me trying a bunch of new things until I figure out what works for me. So if you see something you like, let me know! I will keep that shit up until you are tired of seeing my name. (Which hopefully will never happen.)


What I've been up to?

I just got back from a week long vacation in Denver, Colorado! It was so much fun! We hiked soo much. And funny enough, I bought fancy hiking boots so I wouldn't roll my ankle or hurt my feet in anyway, but then I wore flip flops to a playground and messed myself up. Ripped the thick skin off the side of my big toe, jammed the next toe, skinned and bruised my knee and love handle badly.

Yep the friggin playground curb got me, not the mountain..

Also eating like crazy and hiking while dying for breath, inspired me to be healthier again. So it's back to eating in moderation and finding what works are for me. Yoga for weightloss seems to agree with my body, and of course I need to get back into my aerial silks. ;)

So now that I'm back from Vacation I've got to prepare for my daughter starting Kindergarten next week, and turning 5 on Wednesday! Gah! I'm gonna cry!

That's it for this epic blog post!! I hope you enjoyed it! If there is any feedback, positive or negative, please let me know!!!! I want to get this shit right!!!

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